• Green Brother’s Novelty Band

    Introduction When it comes to the eclectic sounds of early 20th-century music, few groups capture the whimsical spirit and innovative flair quite like the Green Brothers’ Novelty Band. […]

  • Way Down East

    “Way Down East,” directed by D.W. Griffith and released in 1920, is a silent film adaptation of Lottie Blair Parker’s play. It explores themes of morality, social justice, and personal redemption through Anna Moore’s story of societal scorn, tragedy, and eventual love. Griffith’s innovative narrative techniques and technical achievements, like the iconic ice floe sequence,…

  • Resona

    Resona, founded in 1912 by Charles Hollister, revolutionized early 20th-century music recording with pioneering techniques. Known for high-fidelity recordings, Resona’s notable artists included Clara Hamilton, Benny Turner, and Elsie Parker. Despite its decline in the 1930s, Resona’s innovative contributions continue to influence modern audio engineering and music preservation.

  • The Original Dixieland Jazz Band

    The Original Dixieland Jazz Band emerged in 1916, playing a key role in popularizing jazz from New Orleans to the wider public. Known for their lively, innovative style and early 78rpm recordings, they set the stage for jazz’s evolution. Their notable works include “Livery Stable Blues” and “Tiger Rag,” influencing future jazz legends.

  • Sherlock, JR

    Buster Keaton’s 1924 film “Sherlock, Jr.” is celebrated for its innovative blend of reality and fantasy, setting a new standard in silent film comedy. The story follows a projectionist who imagines himself as a detective within a film, showcasing Keaton’s groundbreaking use of meta-fiction, technical ingenuity, and physical comedy.

  • Billy Murray

    Billy Murray was a key figure in early 20th-century recorded music, known for his clear voice and emotional delivery. His career spanned over three decades, during which he became a household name with songs like “I’m the Guy,” “The Yankee Doodle Boy,” and “K-K-K-Katy.” Murray helped pioneer the transition from live performances to recorded music,…