Introduction Let’s dive into a remarkable chapter of music history: the era of 78rpm records. These shellac records, spinning at 78 revolutions per minute, were the heartbeat of the music industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This was a time of great transformation, as we moved from…
Month: January 2024
Friday Night Movies
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Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès, born in 1861 in Paris, began his career as a magician and theater owner. While running his own theatre he was invited to a showing of a “movie” by the Lumière brothers and their cinematograph in 1895. His journey into the world of cinema began when he witnessed…
Vintage Record Labels
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Abbey Records
Abbey Records: A Brief History Abbey Records was a record label active in the United States from roughly 1949 until 1953¹. The label was founded by Pete Doraine and was originally operated in the Forest Hills, Queens, section of New York City. However, it soon moved to 10th Avenue in…